Welcome to the Oregon Center on Behavioral Health & Justice Integration
OCBHJI helps jurisdictions across the state implement and improve efforts in engaging and treating individuals who, primarily due to symptoms of behavioral health conditions, neurocognitive conditions, and/or intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD), are at risk of becoming incarcerated or are currently in the system, while collaborating with agencies to support public safety.
Basic Facts
Goals of the Center
Increase skills and competencies among criminal justice and behavioral health system partners in treatment of individuals experiencing serious behavioral health challenges, neurocognitive conditions, and/or intellectual/developmental disabilities pre and post arrest.
Enhance knowledge among partners about effective community-based programs and services that improve the early identification of people experiencing co-occurring disorders who come into contact with the criminal justice system.
Strengthen service linkage and engagement in treatment to improve quality of life, reduce the likelihood of people committing another crime, and promote community safety.
Assess statewide implementation of program progress and use information to prioritize the focus of this work.

Glossary of Behavioral Health and Criminal Justice Terms
Our glossary provides helpful definitions for common terms, jargon, abbreviations, and acronyms you may come across in conversations about:
Behavioral health (mental health/substance use disorders (SUD))
Intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD/Neurocognitive conditions)
Criminal justice and legal matters
It provides technical definitions and plain-spoken language examples. We also included helpful links to outside sources for additional information.
Sequential Intercept Mapping
This workshop is designed to tap into local expertise by bringing together key stakeholders to develop a “map” that illustrates how people with mental health conditions and substance use disorders come in contact with and flow through the local criminal justice system.
Crisis Intervention Teams (CIT)
CIT is a community collaboration program which brings together community resources to promote the best possible outcomes for people experiencing behavioral health, intellectual/developmental disabilities, and/or neurocognitive concerns, who come in contact with the criminal justice system due to behaviors correlated with their conditions. Its focus is to facilitate access to treatment rather than placement into the criminal justice system. CIT provides a community forum for effective problem-solving and context for sustainable systematic change.