Oregon Health Authority Promising Practices

Jail Diversion
Collaboration and regular meetings between CMHP, local law enforcement, and the local court
Integrate staff that are Peer Support Specialists or Certified Recover Mentors into the team
Integrate staff with a Substance Use Disorder and/or Dual Diagnosis specialty into the team
Ongoing training and supervision in topics such as trauma-informed care, cultural competency, civil commitment, law enforcement culture, criminogenic risk factors, and/or other related topics
Complete all documentation within 24 hours of intervention
Assigned Jail Diversion staff that are co-located staff in the jail to engage with clients with the goal of enrolling them in the jail diversion program
Sequential Intercept Model (SIM) mapping and adoption
Transitional treatment bed access
Availability of Mental Health Crisis resources available to law enforcement to encourage pre-booking diversion
Mobile Crisis
Collaboration and regular meetings between CMHP and local law enforcement, ED, and other emergency/crisis providers
Involve staff that are Peer Support Specialists or Certified Recover Mentors
Ongoing training and supervision in topics such as trauma-informed care, cultural competency, civil commitment, and/or other related topics
Having all mobile crisis clinicians trained as civil commitment investigators
Having all mobile crisis clinicians trained and able to initiate a Director’s Custody
Two clinicians on staff per shift for backup and support
Have a supervisor available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for immediate consultation
Complete all documentation within 24 hours of intervention
Sequential Intercept Model (SIM) mapping and adoption
Aid and Assist
Dedicated Deputy District Attorney to oversee Aid and Assist cases
Dedicated judge to oversee Aid and Assist cases
Dedicated docket for Aid and Assist cases, with community stakeholders present and engaged
Dedicated staff to provide restoration services and case management throughout the Fitness to Proceed process
Partnerships with local and regional service providers
Collaboration between CMHP, judiciary, DA’s office, defense bar, and others as needed
Development of a process map between CMHP, judiciary, DA’s office, and defense bar around Aid and Assist roles, responsibilities, and timelines
Sequential Intercept Model (SIM) mapping and adoption
CMHP representation at court hearings
Contracted Certified Forensic Evaluators (CFE)
Coordination with the Oregon State Hospital around admissions, discharges, and transition planning
Development of housing resources at various levels of care with appropriate wraparound services
Use of videoconference, when appropriate, for CFE Evaluations