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Full Definition

Supported Housing

Supported Housing is permanent housing with tenancy rights and support services that enables people to attain and maintain integrated affordable housing. Support services offered to people living in supported housing are flexible and are available as needed and desired, but are not mandated as a condition of obtaining tenancy. Tenants have a private and secure place to make their home, just like other members of the community, with the same rights and responsibilities. Supported housing enables individuals with disabilities to interact with individuals without disabilities to the fullest extent possible. Supported housing is scattered site housing. To be considered supported housing under this Plan, for buildings with two or three units, no more than one unit may be used to provide supported housing for tenants with SPMI who are referred by OHA or its contractors, and for buildings or complexes with four or more units, no more than 25% of the units in a building or complex may be used to provide supported housing for tenants with SPMI who are referred by OHA or its contractors. Supported housing has no more than two people in a given apartment or house, with a private bedroom for each individual. If two people are living together in an apartment or house, the individuals must be able to select their own roommates. Supported housing does not include housing where providers can reject individuals for placement due to medical needs or substance abuse history.

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