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Understanding and Preventing Criminal Recidivism Among People With Serious Mental Illness


J. Steven Lamberti, MD

Professor of Psychiatry
University of Rochester Medical Center


People with serious mental illness are over-represented throughout our criminal justice system.  In the absence of collaboration between mental health and criminal justice professionals, justice-involved individuals are at risk for “falling through the cracks” between the service systems.   Although the importance of collaboration is widely accepted, it can be challenging to accomplish due to differences in practices, values and goals that exist between mental health and criminal justice service providers.


However, effective collaboration holds the promise of promoting both personal health and public safety.  To help accomplish these goals, I presented a workshop entitled “Understanding And Preventing Criminal Recidivism Among People With Serious Mental illness” at the 2019 GOBHI Spring Conference.   This workshop focused on why people with mental illness enter the criminal justice system, current best practices for prevention, and strategies for effective mental health and criminal justice collaboration.


It is my hope that this information will assist you in building effective mental health and criminal justice partnerships in your community.

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